Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Push the Pause Button

Why are our lives so much like the movie, "Groundhog Day"? Why do we keep doing the same actions when we don't like the results of them?  Why does my husband keep putting his dirty dishes in the left sink instead of the right, when I've told him A MILLION  times they go in the right side??  Why do I let myself be bothered or upset when he complains about his health problems?  Why do I still use too many words to tell him what I'm doing, when he's told me over and over to "get to the point"??  I guess there are two issues here:  1) changing our reaction to things, and 2) learning to communicate more clearly verbally.  You'd think they could be easily done by mature, educated adults.  Hahaha!  I guess that's why there is so much drama in life, and psychologists needed, attorneys, etc. etc. etc.  We're human, and changing is not easy.  Not impossible (though sometimes it seems so), but definitely not easy.  I just need to think ahead and plan a different way to react, then make sure I push the PAUSE button when the same old routine starts to roll, and insert the new way of behaving.  Finally get out of the endless loop and start a new scene in life.  Cliche but true!

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