Sunday, May 28, 2017

Living In Between

In this age of facebook, instagram, twitter etc. we see the big and small moments of our friends.  We see their seemingly glamorous lives.   But I am here to proclaim that 80% of life is the In Between Stuff.  Not the awesome trip to London (which I did post pictures of), not my daughter's high school graduation or my son's college graduation.  80% of life is actually the mundane daily tasks of living.  Getting up to go for a walk in the morning.  Doing laundry.  Paying bills.  Running errands so that we have food and clothing.  Fixing the broken sprinkler, putting together the new bookcase, weeding the garden.  And yes, some people post about these mundane moments also.  But often we just see those Ultra Special activities in life, and it makes us think our lives are boring because we didn't go to London/Hawaii/Disneyland.  We're still here doing laundry, paying bills, going for a walk.  But that's ok.    It's like the pauses in a sentence or a song.  We need the pauses, the silence, to catch our breath, to ponder on what went before.  And to appreciate even more the Big Activities. Performing those daily mundane tasks with purpose and gratitude makes life deeper, more meaningful. It turns your life into a work of art.