Thursday, June 20, 2013

Back in the Land of the Living

I was doing so well last week, writing here every day.  Then Monday I started a class I have to take for work.  At 8 a.m.  An hour away.  With homework.  So the homework stuff has kept me pretty busy, on top of fixing meals and getting a little exercise, and staying on top of all things family-related.  But, IT'S DONE NOW!!!  Yea!!!  And I got two free books from it that are very interesting reads (non-fiction, more about that later) and learned some interesting stuff about Motor Learning.  What's that, you say?  Motor Learning.  ie. how we learn physical skills.  And the best way to teach a beginner a skill vs. an advanced learner a skill.  And the importance of practicing skills correctly, so our bodies create myelin and we create good habits and we learn faster that way.  And that positive feedback is HUGE in influencing people.  We humans are absolutely drawn to positive feedback from others.  So that's the goal I need to set for my teaching next fall, is to use more of it.  And use it at home with my family more!  I love learning new stuff, and reviewing old stuff.  But I am back in the land of the living now.  Hello!

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