Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Get My Shopping Mojo On!

I am not a shopper.  Have never really loved it.  Don't do it with girlfriends. I remember two different occasions when I actually went with a girlfriend.  It just seemed awkward, and I'm way too self-conscious.  Today I was shopping for a skirt to wear to my sons wedding.  Did some shopping for it yesterday also.  Went to more stores today.  Stores, stores, stores.  Skirts, skirts, skirts, dresses, dresses, dresses.  Colors, styles, shapes.  Blaaaaaaaaaa!  It all gets too overwhelming to find THE RIGHT ONE.  That looks good on  me, feels good on me, is not dowdy, and is the right price.  A delicate balance to find all of those attributes in one dress/skirt.  And sometimes I just get overwhelmed by it all and have to pack it in and wait to try another day.  Then sometimes, usually after several days of shopping and narrowing down exactly what I want, the shopping mojo finally hits me and voila!  I find what I want in a short amount of time.  My husband says it's focus.  I like to call it my shopping mojo.  Whatever.  Thank goodness it finally came!

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