Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kinesthetic Activities (otherwise known as hobbies)

I am a kinesthetic learner.  I learn best by watching, and then doing.  I love kinesthetic activities like playing the piano, dancing (especially modern dance), hiking, surfing.  For the class I recently took, I had to learn to juggle.  That was supposed to help us remember what it's like to be a beginner at a skill.  I"m still a beginner at it, but that's another story. This year I've added knitting to my activites.  I'm also going to start a crochet project soon, and right now I am learning guitar.  I've always liked acoustic guitar.  I just love the sound of it, and the sound of a person singing with the guitar.  I like Colbie Caillet's music.  And yes, I like Taylor Swift's music.  I'm not sure why I haven't learned guitar before.  The right time just hadn't happened for me yet.  But it's here now.  I think I've been inspired by my son who played guitar with his girlfriend (before leaving on a mission).  It was so fun to hear them!  And they were pretty good!  Anyway, it's just fun to sit down and play the piano sometimes, or put on music I like and dance to it, or knit a scarf or crochet an afghan for my kids.  And play guitar for the fun of it.  It's just satisfying in life to have some activities you do purely for the fun of it. For the joy you get from learning and doing something. And for the fact that they help you forget your troubles and get out of the crazy thoughts running through your head!  I guess almost every skill we learn is kinesthetic in some way.  And that's a good thing.

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